Saturday, December 6, 2008

Company Party

Last night we had our company Christmas party. I didn’t know if I wanted to go or not, because I really hate going to these things along and I DON’T want to ask anyone to go with me. Well, I went anyway. It turned out to be a lot of fun. My boss told me we had to BE ONE TIME!!! When we got there he had rented a bus. He gave each couple an envelope with $25.00 in it and told us we had 45 minutes to buy a white elephant gift. It was a riot. (Nothing like a bunch of 30-50 years olds acting like they are 13) Here are some pictures from the party.

Southern Utah

I haven’t been on my blog in the LONGEST time. Sorry!!!!
The boys are doing great!!! For Thanksgiving we went down Southern Utah to visit my family. The boys love going there. We all had great time. It was so good to see the family. On Saturday after Thanksgiving my brother-in-law and I went on a hike in Snow Canyon. It turned out to be a lot longer than I thought, but we got some beautiful pictures of the scenery.